If you're reading this right now that means you are alive. You showed up today and said "yes, I'm here! 👋" But what if we did more than just show up for attendance?
I don't want to just "show up", I want to show up for a reason. I'm here today to do something. Whether it's big or small, I'm not leaving until I get what I came for. I'm not going to sit here curled up inside my walls and let life move on without me. And I hate to say it, but it will.
• I'm Choosing to Flourish •
Sometimes the best shoots are the last-minute inspirations that come to life in the moment. No big production, just us and the camera. This sweet and simple set only took moving a few furniture pieces in the living room, letting the natural light in the windows, nailing a sheet to the wall, and picking fresh flowers. The result, true beauty.
Ready to plan your sweet and simple shoot? Let's do this!